Why: Understanding Clinical and Financial Impact Sepsis the Need for a Comprehensive Program

Thursday, September 05, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM   iCalendar Eastern Standard Time

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CNOs; nursing directors; sepsis coordinators; ED, ICU, and medical surgical nursing staff; quality improvement staff; ED, ICU, and hospitalists physician; infection control preventionists; and anyone else interested in the topic

Complete Program Series Overview: 

Every two minutes a patient dies from sepsis. Sepsis survivors experience cognitive, mental, and functional deficits long after the critical illness has resolved and are at high risk for readmission. As of October 2015, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has made sepsis a core measure. The complexity of the disease, the variability in presentation of the patient, and the skill and knowledge level of the provider make this core measure distinctly different and potentially a greater challenge to implement. With sepsis care now becoming part of the CMS reimbursement process, providing the right care to the right patient at the right time requires well-defined systems, processes, and collaboration. 

Sepsis programs often face common barriers that can be overcome with evidenced-based, experiential solutions. Common barriers include challenges with early recognition, physician buy-in, and driving change with data. The major clinical challenge is fluid resuscitation. Within organizations, leadership support can help the team hard wire a sepsis program using data collection and analysis, multidisciplinary rounds, process improvement tools, and structure.

This webinar series will focus on taking the learner through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) core elements for ensuring a robust program to identify patients early in the disease and manage them based on the latest evidence. Key implementation strategies for hard wiring the clinical and process behaviors will be revealed. The presenter will describe barriers with reliable actions to reduce their impact, and participants will have the opportunity to create test of change action plans to help address those barriers. The goal of this webinar is for each participant to walk away with a gap analysis and action plan to continue their journey of improving short and long-term outcomes for sepsis patients.



Kathleen Vollman, has been a critical care nurse for over 40 years and a Clinical Nurse Specialist for 30 of those years. She assists nurses and organization in achieving patient driven outcomes through knowledge, process change and skill development. Kathleen designs creative strategies and practical frameworks for integrating evidence-based practices into nurses and multidisciplinary teams’ workflow to innovate care and impact patient outcomes. Kathleen is the inventor of the Vollman Prone Positioner that was on the market from 1997-2011, making it easy and safe for turning critically ill patients prone. Kathleen’s knowledge base is expansive (more).